Hottest Paris Hotels
Seen on - July 03, 2008 By Anthony Grant 10 great properties for memorable Parisian nights There are a thousand different ways to see Paris, and luxury hotel options to match. Indeed, with an array of intriguing accommodations seemingly as vast and endless as galleries in the Louvre, Paris is hotel heaven. Traditionally [suite...]
Date: 2008-07-03 21:11:51
Articles de blogs
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Parisian hotel bars to celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau
Beaujolais nouveau version chic, trendy, jazzy or luxury, anyone? Hoosta recommends seven trendy hotel bars in Paris to discover the vintage year 2008, which seems good but rare. Hotel d’Aubusson The Café Laurent is known for its musical evenings. On Thursday 20th [suite...]
Date: 2008-11-20 14:57:16
Summer Festivals In Paris
Summer Festivals In Paris July 2nd, 2008 Visiting Paris for just a few days and seeing everything is just impossible ... his hotel, situated at the entrance of the Monceau Park, which included his collection of ‘Extrême ... Paillin awaits you, hidden amongst the forests, surrounded by numerous luxury Hotel in Paris [suite...]
Date: 2008-07-02 13:09:48