Tags, Blogs et Vidéos populaires sur madrid hotel

Barcelone, rivale catalane à la mode

Quelle est la ville espagnole qui vous vient directement à l'esprit? Question intéressante et pas forcément évidente ... . Réservez la location de vacances Boqueria Ramblas à Barcelone ou encore l' Ayre Hotel Caspe à Barcelone ... . Alors que Madrid pourrait remporter la palme, étant la capitale du pays, Barcelone ne serait [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-09 10:41:49

Articles de blogs (82) | Vidéos (146)

Kean en tournée en Espagne!

Keane.jpg Réservez dès maintenant votre Hôtel à Madrid ou votre location Barcelone pour voir Keane en concert! Keane sera de passage au pays du soleil en Novembre. Il viendra faire la promotion de son nouvel album, Perfect Simetry qui est sorti en Espagne le 13 Octobre dernier. Keane est un groupe anglais [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-30 15:04:36

Madrid Hotels

Are you planning to go in vacation together with your family? Why don't you visit easytobook.com? It is the spot for you! The most famous of Madrid’s art museums are the Museo Thyssen Bornemisza, with its overview ... Arte lies to the east of Puerto del Sol, the heart of Madrid. Madrid hotels a simple affair [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-08 08:41:54

Chambre avec vue… post jet lag

septembre 11, 2008 – 9:32 Publié dans Humeur, New York, Nos voyages aux U.S.A., Photos, blabla TaggéNew York, Times Square, Park central Hotel NY   Ceci est la vue ... que Madrid, soit une latitude de 40,47°… ceci explique cela, pour la lumière en tout cas [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-11 20:32:18


International Hotel & Restaurant Association congress-wide 1 .jpg Le congrès annuel de IH-RA (International Hotel & Restaurant Association) ... Gothemburg Suède, Francisco Madrid Flores, Directeur général de l'Ecole de tourisme, et Charles Kao [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-09 12:15:32

Viatge de noces III

Dia 4 i dia 5:La veritat és que aquests dos dies no van ser massa profitosos, però abans de res, així ens vam trobar l'habitació la nit abans ( ... aprofitar els dies per visitar Playa del Carmen amb en Javi i l'Amparo de Madrid, que també s'estaven al nostre hotel, encara sort que van agafar el paraigües que ens facilitava el Blue Bay, doncs [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-08 08:06:00

OGAE Spain holds its 3rd Congress on October 4

The Spanish branch of OGAE will be holding its third annual Congress on Saturday, October 4th at the Rafael Ventas Hotel in Madrid. A number of Spanish Eurovision artists are invited to attend [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-07 13:44:15

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/17/2008

The GoV newsboy Spain: Five Acquitted Over Madrid Train Bombings Gaddafi Son Arrested for Violence in Swiss Hotel Italy: UN Official Deplores ‘Criminalising’ of Immigrants Immigrants: Barroso, EU [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-18 03:56:32

Travel to Morocco

The Rezidor Hotel Group announced the Radisson Resort & Spa, Tangier in Morocco – the property with 155 rooms is scheduled to open in Q4 2010 ... Atlas Investments. Kilo Architecture (Paris & Casablanca) and Julio Touza y Asociados (Madrid) are providing the architecture and interior design whilst Thed International (Tourism Hotel [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-02 18:26:18


Malgrat que ja han passat uns quants dies, encara m’és estrany passejar pel centre i mirar en direcció l’antic Hotel Martisella.No només em sobta l’absència de la façana negra d’aquell conegut hotel que deien tenia unes ... rotondes de Santa Coloma, dels ponts de Madrid i París...No sé si totes aquestes obres calien realment [suite...]

Date: 2008-11-11 08:04:00

Spain linked to 2008 doping cases: Moises Duenas arraigned; Implicated doctor in Tour de France doping

The Scotsman explores the 3 doping cases (actually 4) by linking them to Spain, home of Operational Puerto's imfamy a fews Tours back ... in 2006, was centred. It concerned a blood doping ring based in Madrid, with bags of blood recovered ... of products recovered from the Spaniard's hotel room as a "small pharmacy," containing "syringes, needles [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-19 18:18:28

Barcelona takes dining to new heights

Housed in 30-story high rise in Barcelona’s Innovation District, ... . ME Barcelona, Meliá’s fourth ME location (the second in Spain, after Madrid), was designed by French architect Dominique Perrault as an “experience-based personality hotel.” With 259 rooms, guests enjoy [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-28 04:15:54

Retour d'Espagne

monastTolede.jpg J’ai fait un beau voyage. En Espagne. Quinze jours. Visite de Madrid, Tolède (photo du monastère) ... , ils sortent, ils fêtent, ils vont danser. Sur la rue Jaume 1, au Gran Hotel Barcino où nous logions [suite...]

Date: 2005-10-01 00:00:00

Plantar cara a la crisi

Ara que ja ningú s'atreveix a negar l'evidència que ens trobem en un moment de crisi econòmica, cal buscar exemples per l'esperança ... obrir un hotel de muntanya: Dolcet, l'hotel. El paller de casa ha estat convertit amb molt d'esforç ... mica més lluny. Ha estat a Madrid. El dia que vaig viatjar-hi amb tots els portaveus municipals per les [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-29 21:39:00

Tuesday Criminal Intent

Bonjour Mme / Mr, Nous vous contactons par cette présente pour vous informer de votre Gain à la LOTERIE CRISTALE INTERNATIONALE. Ceci n’étant donc pas un Spam ni un virus, veuillez trouver en fichier Joint votre notification de gain. Cordialement. Mme [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-23 06:27:27

18 ans ... !!!

Surprise ! la semaine dernière aller-retour express pour Landerneau city pour faire une surprise à mon petit frère qui fêtait ses... 18 ans ( ... pour finir en beauté le WE .... problème de correspondance à Lyon, vol vers Madrid ANNULE !!! grrrrrr [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-11 18:28:25

se siente el corazon !!

je recapitule; nuit dans le bus entre prague et amsterdam, nuit dans le bus entre amsterdam et paris, nuit d'attente a paris galieni, nuit dans le bus entre paris et madrid ... une des meilleures douches de ma vie ... le panard ... hotel, el cat's, ca devrait s'appeler el gato, mais il n y a que des gringos... alors, je vous mets [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-10 14:25:46

Sopar amb Alfons López Tena a Sabadell

El dijous dia 20 de novembre, els socis del Grup Hayek a Sabadell han organitzat un sopar amb Alfons López Tena per analitzar la situació en què es ... a Madrid com a vocal del Consell General del Poder Judicial i compartir les iniciatives impulsades ... : dijous 20 de novembreHora: 21.00Lloc: Hotel Verdi (Av Francesc Macià, 62, Sabadell)Informació [suite...]

Date: 2008-11-13 21:42:00

Traveling and Touring Spain

Transportation Various airports are found in many cities of Spain such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao, Murcia, Malaga and Palma de Mallorca. Madrid and Bilbao boast of their modern and stunning airports ... quality and price varies greatly. The Parador, a prominent state-owned hotel chain in Spain, can make [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-30 12:29:00

Week-end à Toulouse

2 ans que je faisais traîner ça, c'était ce week-end ou jamais ... se souviennent, lors de ma (courte) station à Madrid, au retour de Marrakech, je m'étais fait faire [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-07 13:22:43


... changer l'immatriculation et sortir l'appareil Hotel Fox Sierra HFS, immatriculation du nouvel [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-01 15:39:26

Agenda de Octubre

1 de octubreGIRA MYSPACE: Lori Meyers + Sin rumbo + Lo nunca dicho El Sol (Madrid)The Asteroid #4+ The quarter after Edaska (Baracaldo) ... Los Piojos La Riviera (Madrid)Mother superior Mardi Gras (La Coruña)R.E.M. Plaza de toros Las Ventas (Madrid)The Dictators + Cancerberos 2 (Barcelona)The Five aces La Boite (Madrid)2 de octubreGIRA [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-01 17:54:00

Spain Benefits as Sun Sets on Long Haul Air Travel

With the UK economy faltering and oil prices nudging the 150$USD a barrel mark (more than double January 2007) long haul travel is quite simply becoming prohibitive for a large sector of British citizens. Major airlines are hiking their fuel surcharges to up to £500 for a family of four flying over nine [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-08 08:15:04

Spain Benefits as Sun Sets on Long Haul Air Travel

With the UK economy faltering and oil prices nudging the 150$USD a barrel mark (more than double January 2007) long haul travel is quite simply becoming prohibitive for a large sector of British citizens. Major airlines are hiking their fuel surcharges to up to £500 for a family of four flying over nine [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-08 08:15:04

Finding value in vacation home rentals

One of the many family-friendly companies that I’ve found online since I started blogging is Ciao Bambino. I first read about them in Budget Travel — can’t remember if it was the print magazine or their blog, but both are stuffed with good info that I tuck away for future reference. ( [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-30 16:57:52

Les plus grands scandales sportifs

... de Madrid ? Ce que perdît Evander Holyfield lors d’un combat de boxe ? Du coup de pied d’Eric Cantona à [suite...]

Date: 2008-11-10 10:21:43

NEO 3: del 9 al 11 de octubre 2008: en Barcelona: Palau de la Virreina + CV de los escritores participantes

A partir de mañana, en Barcelona, en el blog Escrito en el viento, de José Ángel Barrueco CV DE LOS ESCRITORES PARTICIPANTES EN NEO 3LOLITA BOSCH (Barcelona, 1970) és autora d’una àmplia obra narrativa publicada alhora en català i en castellà: Això que veus és un rostre / Esto que ves es un rostro (CGD Edicions, 2005 / Sexto Piso, 2008) [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-08 13:50:00

Sobre traduccions

Aquest estiu he assistit al curset que cada any la Conselleria d’Educació convoca; el d’enguany estava dividit en tres parts: ... i u dels exemples que ens va posar era d’una sèrie anomenada en català Hotel Faulty (Faulty Towers ... lingüística. En aquesta sèrie anglesa, el propietari de l’hotel tenia un grum de Barcelona, (espanyol amb [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-01 14:09:00

PJ Final Report - All the Investigation on the McCanns

pages 1 and 2 Ministry Of Justice Judiciary Police Investigative Criminal Department of Portimão NUIPC-201/07.0 GALGS 4th Brigade Inspector João Carlos Denouncer/Offended – Judiciary Police Denunciated/Arguidos - Robert James Queriol Evelegh Murat, identified and questioned at fls. 1170, 1947 and 1959 [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-21 19:30:00

La banda nos visita

26 d´OctubreEntrevista a Eran Kolirin (en elperiodico.com)Crítica de la pel.li a muchocine.netArticul de la pel ... hospitalitat dels quals depenen a falta d’un hotel on refugiar-se. Així, sorgeix un film que, com diu el [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-20 08:41:00

PLA I LA GUERRA CIVIL (De la reraguarda catalana a La Vanguardia Española)

Saltar a Comentarios Una sèrie de Josep Guixà / 18 PLA, UN DELATOR INCOMPETENT El polític Santiago Alba, als dareers anys de la seva vida ( ... peneuvista i republicà Manuel Aznar escrivia des d’un hotel de Biarritz articles amb el pseudònim d’” [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-04 10:24:52

La CronoGuia Definitiva (Perdó per la poca imaginació)

Avui intentaré batre un rècord. No, no em posaré a fer malabarismes mentre sostinc una moto de gran cilindrada amb la punta del nas. Tampoc intentaré llençar llet pel meu llagrimal. Ni em posaré a beure cerveses fins arribar al coma etílic. No. No em penso empassar tota aquesta celebració futbolística d’una selecció veïna [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-01 00:43:00

Començant les setmanes a Madrid

Octubre 24, 2008   Sí! Diumenge qui vé altra vegada me toca es partir a cap a Madrid! Quina peresa! ... que partir obligat, quan i com et diuen, ni l’hotel de les estrelles que vulguis ni el vol amb primera [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-24 06:24:37

More European cities to dream about

One can never get enough of Europe. It’s just few months after our family vacation in this dreamy continent and Mom was already talking about ... of visiting more European cities, famous ones such as London, Rome, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, Amsterdam and Florence. Madrid As the capital of Spain, this city is a blend of medieval and contemporary [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-17 03:15:25

Lykke Li - Tim Goldsworthy remix, 2008 tour dates (MHOW)

DOWNLOAD: Lykke Li - Little Bit (Loving Hand remix) (MP3) ... Biddinghuizen Aug 25 - Hotel Cafe Los Angeles, California Aug 28 - Le Poisson Rouge New York ... - Nouveau Casino Paris Sep 24 - Paradiso (Upstairs) Amsterdam Sep 26 - Roter Salon Berlin Sep 27 [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-07 15:27:14

Viatge a la Patagònia

No hi ha somnis impossiblesEntre els Pirineus i els Andesmaifemcim ... . 1/11 Diss. 21,30 Barcelona - Madrid - Buenos Aires2/11 Diu. 10,40 h. Buenos Aires – Visita ... - Buenos Aires15/11 Diss.23,40 Buenos Aires - Madrid16/11 Diu. Madrid - BarcelonaINFORMACIÓ SOBRE EL [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-26 16:00:00

Sol Meliá Vacation Club Selects 6 Dimensions Consulting For Implementation And Roll Out Of Timeshareware

Sol Meliá Vacation Club (SMVC) announces the appointment of Utah-based 6 Dimensions Consulting for the supporting of the SMVC in-house IT team with ... , Madrid, Rome and more. Sol Meliá Hotels & Resorts is a 50-year-old international hospitality [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-03 20:23:35

Defeating Eurabia, Part 3

This is the third of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2. For those who wish to republish his work, please read his conditions. For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here [suite...]

Date: 2008-11-01 16:13:03

New York Salsa Dancing Experiences: If it wasn’t for the rumba, I wouldn’t be here

Latin entertainment has always found a comfortable climate in New York ... advertisements for the Havana-Madrid club shows only the Moro Castle and conceals the “Madrid” image. The owners, the Lopez brothers, opened a second club called Chateau Madrid at 42 W. 58th Street [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-23 02:55:10

Oil Painting with Stretched Bar Fruit and Violin by Juan Gris 24" x 20" (SZH109) Free Shipping

... Place Great for living room, children room, study, coffee bar ,club, hotel Dimensions ... for the products to leave our warehouse. Image Details: Juan Gris was born in Madrid on March 23 [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-08 03:12:49

Fools ‘r’ Us

Amazon.com Widgets COORDINATORS NEEDED!!? From: REV.CHRISTOPHER FORTUNES (christopherfortunes0002@yahoo.com) Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 3:21:05 AM To: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dear Sir/Madam We are Refugee International Foundation [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-10 07:26:41

Cables, dispatches and memoranda

A brief world news roundup for 21 August 2008. United States & the Americas IPS - The newly reactivated U.S. Fourth Fleet began its operations in Latin American waters with a humanitarian mission that made its first stop in Nicaragua, [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-21 13:28:21

Aparthotel Quo Gale

The Aparthotel Quo Galeón is located in the city of Madrid, one of the biggest european capitals, in Spain ... for a comfortable Hotel in Madrid, the Aparthotel Quo Galeón would be your best choice The struture offers ... and heating, satellite TV, radio, direct telephone line and safe. Madrid Hotel Services: Air [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-06 18:19:19

links for 2008-09-17

New LazerTag guns are practically sci-fi objets d'art - Boing Boing Gadgets (tags: Toys Lasergun Raygun) Free Exclusive resource from Jimiyo: Skull Reference Photos | GoMediaZine (tags: skulls resources Skull) Exclusive: Stephen King's The Stand Comes to Comics | The Underwire from Wired [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-17 20:46:32

Sense transport públic no anem enlloc

Agost 4, 2008 Reflexions sobre una ciutat anomenada Palma   Sempre he pensat que a un amor se l’estima més quan més imperfecte és. Palma no és una ciutat perfecta i potser un dels defectes més grans que té sigui el transport públic, sobretot els taxis [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-04 11:31:39

401 - EU-Africa-Mid-East Tree News

--Today for you 32 new articles about earth’s trees! (401st edition) --Audio and Video version of Earth’s Tree News: http://forestpolicyresearch.org --To Subscribe / unsubscribe to the world-wide email format send a blank email to: earthtreenews-subscribe@lists.riseup.net OR earthtreenews-unsubscribe@lists [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-17 00:46:33

Lovàina 1994-95, catorze anys després

Agafo l’avió a les 8 del matí i per 37 euros i arribo a Brussel·les en menys de dues hores ... un flamenc (no l’animal), Loreto, un fill. I Chelo, alacantina aparellada a Madrid. Sense fills. Un bell [suite...]

Date: 2008-10-12 19:04:07

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/18/2008

Emadeddin Muntasser of Care International Gets One Year Jail Sentence Iraqi Refugees Are Choosing An Uncertain Life in Iraq Over Unemployment in Denmark Mosques Increasingly Not Welcome in Europe Egypt: Demographic Alert, 217 Babies Per Hour Are Born Protecting Freedom of Speech on the Net NATO: Albania, [suite...]

Date: 2008-07-19 04:01:37

Sightseeing telescope reveals open wifi networks in urban space

explores the interaction between urban space, social networks and digital spaces), Michael Linton (creator of the mythical LETSystem in the '80s), Gregor Gimme, one of the initiators of the online community for video learning Sclipo, Enric Senabre (technological coordinator of the Observatorio para la CiberSociedad), Dmytri Kleiner ( [suite...]

Date: 2008-06-10 07:57:59

‘Perverse Technology’: Dan Mitchell & Simon Ford interview J.G. Ballard

ABOVE: Image via Hard Mag. The following written interview with J.G. Ballard was first published in issue 1 of Hard Mag in 2005. It was conducted by Dan Mitchell and Simon Ford, the publisher and editor respectively of the magazine, [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-14 15:41:54

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